And as promised, here is the interview with the lovely Rebecca Besser:
What was the inspiration for your story? And don't say the picture! Besides that...
I wanted to do something different. We've all heard love stories that involve young women falling in love with stable hands, etc. So, I knew I wanted something dark and unexpected. This story just kinda came out when I started writing.
Since I'm in the antho, I'm going to mention it... tell us about Living Dead Press and the anthology you're editing...
Yeah, I have to mention it because it involves me too! I was in Night of the Wolf: A Werewolf anthology, and End of Days 3: An Apocalyptic Anthology, and kind fell into doing some editing for them. They were impressed with how well my submissions were edited. It really does pay to make your writing the best you can BEFORE you send it out.
Right now I'm editing End of Day 4: An Apocalytic Anthology, and another one (it's a secret, you'll see when it comes out). Watch the Living Dead Press' site on the Children's page in the next month, hint, hint.
I'll be editing another antho when I get EoD4 done. So, if you are interesting in writing some dark adventures, especially about zombies, keep your eyes on Living Dead Press.
Where else have you been published?
I've been published in the Coshocton Tribune (local newspaper), Irish Story Playhouse, Spaceports & Spidersilk, joyful!, Illuminata, Living Dead Press, and Common Threads (The Ohio Poetry Associations Literary Journal!).
I've also had the story that was in the Illuminata e-zine accepted as a reprint for Golden Visions Magazine's online July issue. They're also considering a couple more of my stories.
It's 11pm on a Saturday night, where are you?
Hmmm, probably sleeping. Unless we have a movie to watch that we consider too grown up (you know, swearing, violence, etc. We love action movies!) for our 5 year old. Then I would be sitting in front of the TV having a mini-date with the hubby.
But, if it's a REAL date night (Yes, we still have those). I might not even be home. Especially during the summer. Us country folk tend to find friends and stand around outside talking until the early morning hours.
What are your favorite things to watch on TV?
We love to watch Bones, NCIS, and Warehouse 13 (new season starts June 6 on SyFy, I'm soooooo excited!).
I also watch a good bit of the History and Discovery Channel.
Where else can readers find you besides Soft Whispers? (site, Twitter, etc.)
Facebook and I have my own domain:
On my site I have a funny story posted, with a wav of me reading the end of it. I also have links to where my writing has appeared, and I keep my submissions count and upcoming appearances in publications as updated as possible.
I have a blog too:
There isn't much there at the moment, as I'm not much of a blogger. I might be holding some contests on my blog in a month or so. I plan to give away a couple of the anthos I've edited. I'll be sure to let you know when that is going on, so you can post something. Wouldn't want anyone to miss out on a free book, now would we? Who knows, maybe I'll spot one to you to give out as a prize for something on Soft Whispers. That would be really cool!
What was the last book you read?
Last book I read was Rise of the Dead by Anthony Giangregorio.
My fav authors are Jean M. Auel and Linda Rios Brook.
What are your plans for 2010?
Plans. . . that could be anything. Writing goals. . . I wanted to do 150 submissions this year. I'm up to 96. I've also been dreaming of being in an anthology, and now I'm in multiple anthos!
I have a couple book projects brewing. Hoping to get something done before the end of the year, which is HIGHLY doable! Should be able to do quite a bit with half the year still to come!
Life plans. Spending time with my fam, fishing, enjoying other summer things, etc. Should be fun.
To read Becca's winning story, FATHER'S REVENGE, click here to read Issue Five of Soft Whispers!
OOOPS! I just noticed that I made a mistake, sowwies! Warehouse 13's new season starts JULY 6th, not June.
Hope I didn't cause undo confusion.
Great interview. I'll be watching for more of your work. Sounds like you are working hard towards your dream of endless publication. Kudos! And good fortune in all you do.
~ Yaya
Yaya's Changing World
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